America’s Unjust Drug War Essay

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, planning on a different result; this affirmation fairly sums up the Battle with Drugs. Allow us to imagine a scenario of two men, one of them has killed some young girls in chilly blood, to get ‘sport’ as he likes to state; the other man was caught which has a large amount of a great illegal drug. In jail it would certainly not be improbable for these two to share a cell, yet my query is why? How come these significantly different crimes seen as becoming worthy of precisely the same punishment?

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In respect to a pro-marijuana web site, studies show that in Dallas, Tx “Possession of two ounces or less of cannabis is punishable by approximately 180 days in jail and a fine up to $2, 000. Possession of greater than two ounces is usually punishable by simply up to one year in jail and an excellent up to $4, 000” (“We Be High”). It seems to defy common sense, and after observation of the facts, it can. The War on Drugs, especially the forbidance of pot, is a great unnecessary drain on the country’s tax dollars and law enforcement companies. Some even would say that these agencies have zero right to tell us what we while US Citizens can put into our bodies in the first place.

Not just that, but the skepticism and forbidance of marijuana is keeping people coming from exploring the amazing potential it has inside the medicinal discipline. If weed were legalized properly, not merely would these problems begin to work themselves out, however the illegal market and the problems and hazards caused by the prohibition of marijuana would cease to exist.

1 fact that couple of in our nation would refute is that the prison method is over-crowded and has been worked out in recent years to allow all the latest “criminals. ” Along with all those which have got committed the case crimes against society just like murder and robbery, these day there are citizens which were found doing possession or perhaps distribution of drugs. “In the year 2003, there were a list 755, 186 marijuana busts in the US – greater than the amount of arrests for a lot of violent offences combined” (Miron). “In 98, 65% of these were convicted of medicine possession in state the courtroom and 71% of those convicted of drug trafficking had been sentenced to incarceration” (Chin 10). Not merely is being caught and incarcerated for basic possession of marijuana a set-back in one’s life, nevertheless finding a reasonable job for a great ex-con is very difficult (Rachels and Rachels).

It is hard to trust that chaotic criminals and Marijuana traders belong in the same facility; it is a waste of money to feed and clothe them. A popular philosophical argument pertaining to the legalization of drugs, just like marijuana, would be that the Government does not have the directly to tell us what we can and cannot put in our own bodies. Nowhere in the constitution will it state that every drugs should be illegal and really should result in key fines and even jail time in the event that one was caught owning the medicine. In fact , it seems to be implied that people should be able to have the independence to personal medicate as they want to.

From the utilitarian perspective, people tend to end up being happier when they have freedom, and the current drug regulations reduce that feeling of flexibility and happiness. Therefore , the federal government should not set restrictions on drug make use of (Rachels and Rachels). In the event that someone were to make the choice to smoke marijuana, that would be their choice and doing so would not directly harm anyone else.

All things considered, isn’t America the ‘Land of the Free’? Our country is filled with propagandists who bending the facts and percentages of drugs that they need to be illegal only so the drug seems more dangerous than it actually is. In fact , some people’s every day actions are proven to be more damaging than cannabis such as using tobacco, drinking alcohol, unhealthy weight, having unprotected sex, and riding motorbikes (Rachels and Rachels).

A common argument prohibitionists use just for this is that illegal drug work with harms the consumer in a different way (Rachels and Rachels). However , all of these activities shown harm the user in some type of way and isn’t that what actually matters in the end? There are some people out there that truly believe (and try to influence others) that marijuana is known as a deadly element when the truth is there have been not any deaths at all from marijuana use (Herer). However , you will discover around 106, 000 deaths from legal drugs that you may buy any kind of time convenience retail outlet, including aspirin.

Studies show that aspirin is responsible for anywhere from 108-1, 000 fatalities per year. Creature studies show that it is practically impossible to overdose in marijuana (Hager). This has led scientists to summarize that “the ratio in the amount of cannabinoids essential to get a person intoxicated (i. e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40, 000” (Hager). And so in other words, in order to over medication dosage on weed, someone would need to ingest 45, 000 occasions however very much one would have to smoke to obtain the “high” feeling.

In the event legal medications and every working day activities create a bigger menace on culture than marijuana, then exactly why is cannabis against the law while these matters remain legal? Rather than criminalizing those who have and sell weed, some include proposed a radical change in plan; that the govt actually legalize marijuana and tax that. By allowing the against the law importation of medication into the United States (a multi-billion dollar 12 months industry), were allowing each of the profit to venture to people who tend not to deserve it such as “criminals, killers, and dangerous organizations” (“The Monetary Benefits”). “Legalizing marijuana in the usa would save about $7. 7 billion dollars per year in enforcement costs, and it might generate between $2. four and $6.

2 billion dollars in taxes revenue, according to whether pot was taxed normally or at the higher rate when alcohol and tobacco and are now taxed” (Rachels and Rachels). All this can be achieved by simply repealing the forbidance laws in place. Along with preventing penitentiary over-population and creating one more form of duty revenue, the legalization of marijuana created a new and simpler school of pain killer, which by definition is known as a medicine used to relieve pain.

In an research conducted at the University of California Davis, there were three different organizations given 3 different chemicals. One was given 7% weed, the second was given 3. five per cent marijuana, plus the last was your control group, which was presented a placebo. The outcomes showed that both the three or more. 5% group and the 7% group both equally experienced similar amounts of analgesic produced.

While the people inside the study performed feel a kind of high in using the marijuana being a medicinal aid, the fact that both amounts used developed an equal volume of analgesic means that there could be a way throughout the high sense. Further testing might be smart to see if an even lower medication dosage could still create a great analgesic without the side effects in the ‘high’ sense (“Journal of Pain”). The study also points out that pot does not tranquilize the pain, but helps you to create an emotional range from that.

In other words the person can still feel the pain yet just is not concerned with as much as they normally might. Making cannabis a legalized drug will also show that it would become a more controlled and regulated drug too. However , 1 major area of issue making pot a legalized substance is definitely the possibility of youngsters in world being exposed to this. While this is a valid argument against legalizing marijuana, people must recognize that the fact that marijuana is currently illegal truly provides young adults more opportunities to make money selling off it with their friends (“Top Ten Reasons”). However , making marijuana a legalized, managed, and regulated substance will make it very much harder for teenagers to get a hold of the medicine.

Miron conveys this simple fact, saying that “unlike drug retailers, licensed vendors would ensure that teens wasn’t able to purchase cannabis, just as says that have executed strict settings on underage tobacco purchases have seen revenue of cigarette to minors fall dramatically” (Miron). A grouping of 12th level high school students were asked how legalizing weed would have an effect on them privately. 61% stated they would certainly not use the medicine even if that were legal to buy and use.

15% stated they will use it as often as they carry out now, and 1 . 5% say they will use it less often. Simply 5. five per cent say they can use it more often than they are doing currently although nine percent said they will try it. Although these percentages may seem like large numbers, that only portions to around 14% (about one in seven) in the students surveyed who mentioned they would either try pot or enhance their use if perhaps marijuana were to become legalized (Johnston, O’Malley, Bachman, Schulenberg). Another problem with people the need to resort to the black market for the purchase of cannabis is the danger that occurs with it.

The illegal industry that has been set up because of the combination of the demand and illegality of marijuana gives much physical violence along with it. Pretty for medication dealers at this day and age to hold around and use firearms and knives as way of protection. This results in associated with something bad happening for the buyer or perhaps innocent bystanders. If marijuana were to turn into legalized and controlled, harmless people will not have to worry regarding the dangers that they can be currently facing in the getting of cannabis on the black market.

This kind of flawed insurance plan should have been thrown out years back like the failed Prohibition was in 1933, yet societal divulgacion and a far more weary populace has stored it safely in its place among the priorities of conservative Us citizens. Hopefully as time passes and a more intense barriere of information and common sense, this failed war may end that help usher in a new age of understanding and control over the substances we now outlaw. Until then the Us Government will certainly continue to burn money and lock apart undeserving citizens.

Work Offered Barth Wilsey, Thomas Marcotte, Alexander Tsodikov, Jeanna Millman, Heather Bentley, Ben Gouaux and Jeff Fishman. “A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial of Marijuana Cigarettes in Neuropathic Soreness. ” The Journal of Pain. Web. 28 April 2010. Chin, Gabriel M. “Race, the War on Prescription drugs, and the Assets Consequences of Criminal Certainty. ” Diary of Gender, Race & Justice, Volume. 6, s. 253, 2002.

University of Arizona. World wide web. 1 Might 2010. Hager, Paul. “Marijuana Myths. ” Web. a few May 2010. Herer, Jack port. “Hemp: Energy Food Fibers Medicine Industry. ” HempCar. Web. 3 May 2010. Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. Meters., Bachman, M. G., & Schulenberg, M. E. (2009). “Monitoring the near future national review results in drug use, 1975–2008: Volume I, Second School College students. ” The University of Michigan Start for Interpersonal Research. PDF FILE file. 31 April 2010. Miron, Jeffrey A. “The Budgetary Ramifications of Pot Prohibition. ” Budgetary Significance of Cannabis Prohibition in america. Mar 28, 2008. Net. 1 May well 2010. Rachels, James and Stuart Rachels. The Components of Moral Idea. New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 2010. Print Rachels, Wayne and Stuart Rachels.

The best Thing to Do. New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 2010. Print “The Economic Advantages of a Legal Controlled Marijuana Market. ” 2006. Web. 3 May 2010. “The Top Ten Reasons Pot Should be Legal. ” AlterNet.

High Moments. Web. several May 2010. “WeBeHigh: A Traveler’s Tips for Getting Large. ” Net. 2 May 2010.

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