European union making the word paper

Euro, Sky High Flight companies, Bankruptcy, American Airlines

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Excerpt from Term Paper:

Increased regulations could take possibly this edge away from the industry.

Eventually, even the EU flight industry, despite its comparative health compared to the United States, may chafe with the additional economic burdens it really is being forced to suffer at the hands of the regulatory commission. Just lately, French Director Jacque Chirac proposed to tax air travel for all affiliate states in an effort to finance advancement aid. Though this thankfully would not affect the United States, this kind of mania to get increased, homogenizing regulation that favor stronger EU affiliate states and harm lesser nations as well as the disregard for further international representative bodies that govern companies with around the world clientele like the airline industry could be a troubling trend. As the EU consolidates the power, and as there is no real international court docket of charm to deflect the restrictions that influence only the EUROPEAN UNION, technically, although not in genuine practice, the EU’s influence could broaden beyond your dreams of its founders.

Performs Cited

Because bankruptcy harnesses, airlines encounter new legislation. ” EurActive. Updated September 20, 06\, [Oct 14, 2006]

Stier, Tobey maguire. “The Not-So Friendly Heavens of Europe. ” Good fortune Magazine. May well 25-2006. [Oct

14, 2006]

Research Says Flight Service Aggravates, ” CNN. com, Apr 3, 06\, [Oct 14, 2006]

Ken Stier, “The Not-So Friendly Skies of European countries, ” Bundle of money Magazine, (May 25-2006), [Oct 16, 2006]

Because bankruptcy harnesses, airlines encounter new rules, ” EurActive, updated September 20, 06\, [Oct 14, 2006]

Ken Stier, “The Not-So Friendly Skies of Europe, ” Good fortune Magazine, (May 25-2006), [Oct 13, 2006]

Research Says Aircarrier Service Worsens, ” CNN. com, 04 3, 2006, [Oct 14, 2006]

As personal bankruptcy looms, flight companies face fresh regulation, inches EurActive, up-to-date September 20, 2006, [Oct 14, 2006]

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