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Poem Analysis, Poetry, Poetry Research, A Walk To Remember

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The 3rd and fourth lines from the poem stress the idea of stop and separateness.

There was an hour

All nonetheless From the above lines it becomes clear that the composition is explaining a particular second or a crucial short space of time. This fits in well armed with the idea of the poem as an epiphany. The first actions occurs when the poet leans against a blossom and hears a tone.

When inclined with me against a flower

My spouse and i heard you talk.

This can be a fantastic idea and it also varieties part of Frost’s mystical technique of writing about characteristics. The poem requires a specific ‘suspension of disbelief’ if we are to permeate to it is deeper meaning. “One can easily respond to this kind of poems… simply by suspending one’s fair awareness of what flowers can easily and cannot do. inches (Nitchie, Watts. Page 87) sense of nostalgia and longing is usually created inside the above lines. Diction plus the use of dialect also be involved in the creation of this disposition of yearning and reminiscence. The language is definitely plain plus the use of phrases carefully manipulated and unostentatious.

The poem continues to develop another feature of Frost’s poetic style – the use of natural conversation patterns through intimate discussion.

Don’t say I failed to, for I heard you say

You spoke as a result flower around the window sill-

Do you remember what it was you explained? ‘

‘First tell me what was you thought you heard. ‘

The sense of the peculiar or amazing that the floral as a mobile phone represents is juxtaposed with a real situation as if an ordinarily phone conversation is usually taking place. It really is this combination of opposites – between character and technology and isolation and speak to – that creates the central disposition of the composition.

The symbol of the blossom is once again clearly related to nature through the reference to a bee. Nevertheless at the same time this kind of natural photo is with the image of the telephone.

Having located the floral and driven a bee away

I leaned on my head

The ultimate lines with the poem make an atmosphere of hoping and the desire to have contact. The poet properly constructs his words and phrases to indicate both the difficulty and the desire to have communication.

A listened and I thought My spouse and i caught the term

What was that? Did you call me by my own name?

or did you say

Someone said “Come” – I heard that as I bowed. ‘

‘I may have got thought as much, but not out loud. ‘

“Well, so I arrived. ‘

By making use of questions just like “what was it? ” The poet person implies a feeling of uncertainty and distance which adds to the overall mood and tone of longing and isolation. In essence the composition is about interaction or the requirement of contact and intimacy. On a single level it might be read as a simple poem about this need for contact. In another level the poem is an epiphany or a symbolic affirmation about the universal requirement of communication and a deeper intimacy among nature and humanity or between people and the globe around them.


Bidney, Martin. The secretive-playful epiphanies of Robert Frost: solitude, company, and the doppelwertig imagination. Papers on Vocabulary Literature; 6/22/2002;

Nitchie, T. Human Ideals in the Beautifully constructed wording of Robert Frost: A report of a Poet’s Convictions.; Fight it out University Press, 1960.

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