The belt and road strategy with the main content


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One, “The Belt and Road” strategy of the primary content(1) building up policy interaction among countriesWe should strengthen intergovernmental cooperation, actively build multi-level device of macro government plan communication, expand interest incorporation, promote personal mutual trust and reach a new consensus of co-operation. All countries along the route could make full exchanges and docking on economical development approaches and countermeasures, work out plans and measures in promoting regional assistance, solve challenges in co-operation and provide policy support for practical co-operation and large-scale projects.

“The Belt and Road” strategy will enhance policy connection between countries as one of the main content, should be to make a contribution and demonstration for international coverage communication mechanism to improve a little tired. On the basis of political mutual trust, we have to form a much more practical, cooperative, coordinated and effective policy support mechanism for macro policy, advancement strategy and regional organizing in three aspects. (two) realization of inter point out facilities Unicom

First, we should seize the key passageways, essential nodes and key projects of the travel infrastructure, and should initial open up the missing areas, unblock the bottleneck sections, and improve the road basic safety protection facilities and targeted traffic management features and facilities, so as to improve the access level of roads. We need to push ahead the organization of a unified transport dexterity mechanism, encourage the organic and natural connection of international persuits clearance, transshipment and multimodal transport, and gradually contact form a transportation rule appropriate for the rules, so as to accomplish international transport facilitation. We should promote the construction of dock infrastructure, disengage the terrain and drinking water transport corridors, promote port cooperation, increase maritime routes and routes, and boost information co-operation in ocean going logistics. We ought to expand the woking platform and device of building an extensive civil aviators cooperation, and accelerate the upgrading of the aviation system.

Second, we need to reinforce interoperability and cooperation in energy system, jointly secure the safety of transport d�troit such as oil and gas pipelines, encourage the construction of cross edge power and transmission d�troit, and definitely carry out upgrading and change of local power plants.

Third, we is going to jointly encourage the construction of communication central source networks just like cross-border optic cables, increase the level of international communication and intercommunication, and smooth the knowledge silk highway. We should speed up the construction of bilateral cross-border optical cords, plan and create intercontinental submarine optical cable television projects, enhance the air (satellite) information channel, and broaden information exchange and cooperation. (three) to accomplish smooth trade between countries.

1st, efforts in promoting the persuits cooperation along the country should strengthen details exchange, shared recognition, mutual supervision and law enforcement, and bilateral and multilateral co-operation, inspection and quarantine documentation, standard way of measuring, statistical information and other aspects of the world trade organization, to promote the “agreement” of trade facilitation and effective rendering. We should enhance the conditions of customs measurement at border ports, improve the construction of “single window” at line ports, reduce the cost of customs clearance and enhance the ability of traditions clearance. We should strengthen the cooperation among supply chain security and facilitation, enhance the skill of cross-border supervision methods, promote the verification with the Internet of inspection and quarantine accreditation, and carry out the mutual recognition of “certified operators” (AE0). Reduce non-tariff barriers, with each other improve the openness of technological trade procedures and enhance the level of control liberalization and facilitation.

Second, broaden the field of control, optimize the structure of trade, and develop new company forms including cross-border e-commerce. We should create and increase the service transact promotion program, consolidate and expand traditional trade, and vigorously develop modern assistance trade. We need to combine investment and transact with purchase to promote trade development.

Third, speed up the process of purchase facilitation and eliminate expenditure barriers. We ought to strengthen bilateral investment security agreements, steer clear of consultations on double taxation agreements, and protect the legitimate rights and hobbies of investors.

Fourth, expand mutual investment, perform deep co-operation in cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, agricultural machines and gardening products development and digesting, and positively promote cooperation in the field of mariculture, marine engineering, environmental safeguard industry and maritime tourism. Increase the coal, oil and gas, nutrient and other traditional energy solutions exploration and development assistance, and positively promote hydropower, nuclear power, wind electricity, solar and other clean energy, renewable energy methods cooperation, encourage local digesting and alteration cooperation, creation of downstream industry sequence integration assistance in energy resources. We need to strengthen cooperation in the deep processing technology, equipment and engineering services of energy solutions.

Sixth, we should showcase the assistance of emerging industries and complement the principles of shared benefit and mutual advantage, so as to encourage the assistance between the countries along the route inside the new generation of information technology, biology, fresh energy and new supplies, and enhance the organization of venture capital cooperation mechanism.

Sixth, we should improve the division and layout of the industrial chain, encourage the synchronised development of upstream and downstream industry chain and related industries, encourage the institution of L D, creation and marketing system, and enhance the promoting ability and comprehensive competitiveness of regional industry. Grow the assistance industry to spread out up each other and enhance the fast development of local service industry. (four) actively explore the financing of funds.

To expand the scope and range of zwei staaten betreffend currency exchange and settlement of bilateral currencies along the countries along the range. Promote the opening and development of the Asian connection market. We will jointly advance the development of the Oriental infrastructure expense bank as well as the BRICs Expansion Bank, plus the parties concerned will execute consultations for the establishment in the Shanghai assistance organization. To speed up the establishment and operation in the Silk Street Fund. We will expand the practical cooperation of the association in the one ASEAN Bank of China as well as the joint corporation of the SCO, and carry out multilateral financial cooperation in the form of syndicated loans and bank credit rating. It facilitates the issuance of RMB bonds in China simply by supporting national governments along the line and high credit ranking enterprises along with financial institutions. China financial institutions and enterprises in China can easily issue RMB bonds and foreign currency a genuine abroad, and encourage the utilization of funds elevated in the countries along the collection.

Concurrently, financial direction and co-operation between countries should be heightened to promote the signing of bilateral memorandums of understanding on supervision and co-operation, and gradually established in the area.

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