Weight Watchers Case Study Essay

To be the leading weight-loss service provider by assisting individuals to lose weight and sustain a normal lifestyle. II. VISION ASSERTION Weight Watchers Intercontinental will be picked by most individuals that possess a goal of improving their particular life through healthy living.

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Most people will be readily accessible for all individuals desiring to boost their way of living and will obtain exceptional support. Services will be recognized as a remarkable value. 3. APPARENT TROUBLE Weight Watchers is definitely facing the issue of increased competition and cost concerns using a large majority of the population afflicted in some trend by the economic depression. In addition they need to overcome the stigma penalized viewed as the last generation’s reply to weight loss. IV.

STRATEGY The Finance Strategy is to develop the new programing that will generate new income and to continue being able to do this with a low capital and lean functioning expense. a few. Operations The Operations Strategy is to run a lean operation and achieve wide profit margins while growing offerings. some. Human Resources The Information Strategy is usually to evolve net tools to support the organization in bringing solutions to those whom may not be in a position to or have involvement in attending a meeting in person. 6. Research & Development Your research and Creation Strategy should be to introduce new items and shift focus to broad centered differentiation.

Versus. STRENGTHS (Internal) A. Partner with a rival to identify how they may work together to enhance revenues to increase differentiate themselves as a weight loss solution. If perhaps Weight Watchers would be to partner with a group like Jenny Craig, that they could recognize a meal replacement unit program that provided consumers with a brainless solution to attain their weight loss plans.

B. Partner with a countrywide fitness center string like allnight Fitness to demonstrate the importance in partnership between both health and eating routine to achieve weight-loss. Offer the chance for members to pay one particular fee which allows them the membership benefits associated with both WW and allnight Fitness. C. Partner with a number of the largest medical health insurance plans to produce a specific software through Weight Watchers to be wanted to members. Weight Watchers has the opportunity to increase revenues that may be paid out by the health care insurance corporations in exchange the members weight loss should provide an RETURN ON INVESTMENT to the health care insurance company through decreased medical insurance expenses. XI.

CRITERIA In analyzing Alternative A, That stuff seriously there is probability of achieve Requirements A (increasing revenue). Whilst a partnership with a group like Jenny Craig is not going to provide a remedy for all customers (assuming that this would not become in-expensive), Option A has got the promise to have success with a wealthier cliental basis. Achieving success with this group should result in increased revenue through the accomplishment of the system (word of mouth).

This alternative can provide WW with access to the Jenny Craig clientele they may have not got access to ahead of (opening up an entirely fresh membership potential). In examining Alternative A, I feel that there exists potential to achieve Criteria B. If WW was powerful in achieving a collaboration with a good competitor, the two together have the greatest potential of achieving a larger share of the market share. Partnering together, they have a chance to access each of their market data and work together to be successful for a large numbers of participants.

In analyzing Substitute A, We would be concerned about the cabability to achieve Criteria C. A partnership between two competitors serving a completely different function for WW would certainly have got a great impact on growth potential but I do think it would be a big stretch to assume that it could result in retaining customers through this effort. This would be an entirely new way to provide a weight loss solution. I actually don’t think it would have the impact meant of holding onto previous customers.

In studying Alternative N, I feel that there may be potential to accomplish Criteria A (increasing revenue). A collaboration with a huge fitness center sequence like overnight Fitness might be a good relationship to show the fact that WW option is a full partnership between eating well and working out. Achieving success with this group should bring about increased revenue through the success of the program (word of mouth).

This kind of alternative likewise provides WW with usage of the account of the fitness centers that they have certainly not had entry to before (opening up an entirely new account potential). In analyzing Substitute B, That stuff seriously there is potential to achieve Conditions B. In the event WW was successful in achieving a partnership using a large exercise chain, the 2 together have greatest potential of reaching a larger reveal of the market share. Partnering together, they have the cabability to access every single of their market data and work together to be successful for a numerous participants.

In analyzing Alternative C, I feel that there is superb potential to attain Criteria A (increasing revenue). A alliance with large insurance companies will be an excellent relationship. Weight Watchers may have guaranteed payers and entry to a large number of participants that could be incented to utilize this method to achieve weight loss.

This combination would result in significant opportunity for elevated revenue. In analyzing Alternative C, I feel that there is probability of achieve Requirements B. In the event that WW was successful in achieving a partnership with large insurance firms, an indirect result could be achieving a larger share of the market share. Partnering together, they may have the ability to get new customers who might not be actively in the market for losing weight. If the two companies located success in documenting their ROI, they will have even greater potential for raising their business.

In examining Alternative C, I do not really feel that there would be a direct relationship to obtaining Criteria C. While the relationship with the insurance providers may not be valuable to the WW consumers, I don’t believe it would dis-attract them both. Alternative C has a superb opportunity for increased revenue and new business but does not necessarily (and unlikely) result in retention of earlier consumers. XIII.

SOLUTION OR EXECUTIVE SYNOPSIS Weight Watchers is definitely struggling with the necessity to reposition the organization to create a forward-focused diet program for the next century although staying true to their mission. There is an increased amount of competition and an economic recession that effects the average consumer’s ability to purchase non-essential courses and goods. These issues possess forced the Weight Watchers Company to re-evaluate their program to position themselves for a successful future. The best alternative to get Weight Watchers is usually to partner with a huge national work out center chain to put them being a full solution to meet the target of weight loss success.

By simply partnering with a national fitness center chain, Most people will be effective in increasing revenue by 25%, increasing market share, and retaining current consumers. This partnership details their disadvantages as distinguishing themselves from fad diet plans (important mix of exercise and eating healthy). This allows WW to develop their procedures to meet a brand new and changing consumer want and offer a refreshed coding that will bring about increased users and earnings.

This alternative plays to their strategy of their brand and effectiveness. With the obligation partnership they will maintain all their low adjustable expenses and low capital requirements. The program continues to offer a flexible operation and distinguishes them farther from their competitors and unwraps them to new opportunities on the market.

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