Central evaluation unit essay

The XIII Directorate of the European Union has a Central Evaluation Unit (CEU) which can be tasked with evaluation of applications intended for grants by academics underneath its “cooperation and foundations” scheme. This scheme distributed relatively little grants to fund cooperative analysis between universities in the EU. All applications were delivered to the CEU’s processing device (CEUPU) by simply university liaison officers (ULOs) who happen to be based in around 150 schools. The process circulation of the CEUPU can be shown in the subsequent page. Just like be seen, the turnaround period can be shortened even more if the checkers could have direct access for the ULOs and coordination done directly.

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This can be achieved by use of email with the secretaries just copy-furnished. Also, the document checking can be computerized so that everyone knows where the documents are at any given time, using the identifier code that has been established for each program. In all, the applying will be handled by the following people:

1 . The ULOs who acquire it and send to CEU.

2 . Invoice clerk that checks that forms happen to be complete.

3. Code staff – set up a unique identifier pertaining to the application, encodes the data inside the system.

4. Older secretary that assigns the application form to the next available checker.

5. Checker assesses the application. Half of the period, there is a requirement of additional information or perhaps data, and this must be presented to the admin.

six. Secretary transmits a query to the ULO

7. ULO secures the details from the applicant and transmits back to admin

almost eight. Secretary delivers to checker assigned

9. Checker decides

10. Auditor composes and sends acceptance/rejection letter. The problem of the CEUPU process is the fact there are way too many steps and people involved in the method. First, the method can be automated and the software documents sought. Then, the file can be sent electronically to the pieces so that they can always be evaluated. Immediate communication by checkers towards the ULO could be made for any inquiries/ further data needed.

Auditors put together the acknowledgement or being rejected documents

ULOs acquire application to get grants

Additional info and requirements repaid

Obtain letter delivered

Record sent to secretary who after that makes a request for the collection of any information lacking or additional information required Yes


Checker evaluates the application form

Decision is made by checkers to take or deny

Info needed?

Senior secretary of the checkers assigns data file to the next obtainable checker almost 8 receipts man or women check each application to get completeness of most necessary varieties Applications appear from a hundred and fifty ULOs, put into the “in-tray” NO


Expert forma the front sheet placed on documents

2 man or women place designation on the kind and encode it in the information system COMPLETE?


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