Comparing ansary and the shed boys
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According to Ansary, it is not possible for your brain to conform to the cultural requirements of two specific cultural devices. He records that “growing up bicultural is like straddling a crack in the earth. If the ethnicities are far apart—like those of Afghanistan and America—one feels a great urge to get totally over to a single side or perhaps the other” (Ansary 144). Here, he ensures that he fantastic siblings grew up with divided spirits because that they grew up with two souls and the responses to the bicultural childhood were distinct. Ansary plus the lost boys of Sudan confirm that it is not practical for anyone to practice to cultures in ago.
Even though Rebbeca was born and brought up in Afghanistan and grew up each time when the nation was still unchanged, she ended up shifting for the western culture. She did marry to Bob Pettys who was a business teacher. Her hubby liked her American characteristics but did not show a keen interest in her exotic origins. Moreover, your woman decides to pay attention to the classic program of the American theatre which means that for her the East referred to New York.
In the same way, Riaz did not follow the Afghan lifestyle. He would not experience the lost Afghanistan as they only put in a few years of his life there. Ansary, on the other hand, is definitely torn involving the American and the Afghani lifestyle. He records that this individual shifted his weight quite definitely to his American foot that is why he are unable to let go the American traditions and stick to the Afghan culture. He says that his heart and soul cannot release either from the two cultures even though he could be not comfortable to be bicultural. Ansary asserts that My American self-makes us a little less Afghan (145). Therefore , Ansary still upholds both the Afghani culture and the American lifestyle because he is like a misfit whenever he is trying to interact socially with is original culture.
On the other hand, the dropped boys in the Sudan experienced a cultural identity crisis as grown-ups. The kids were required to run away using their country as a result of a war. Unlike Ansary and his brothers and sisters, it is easy to recognize the guns that represent the Dinka culture inside the lost young boys of Sudan. The indicators of their traditions include vocabulary, music, clothing, music, and dance. There are no obvious markers from the Afghan culture in Ansary and his bros though. Additionally , the lost boys differ from Ansary and his siblings as the values that they hold are clear. The values include hard work, education, faith, community, faith, and family.
Ansary great siblings tend not to encounter any difficulties in learning the American culture. However , the lost boys of Sudan face a lot of challenges and fears about the life in the united states because the American culture differs from their traditions. The lost boys have fears concerning, food, technology, and ethnical practices. Furthermore, the boys find it difficult to locate jobs, make friends, pursue education, and go around the USA which is not the case with Ansary fantastic siblings who have are used to the American traditions.
The lost kids of Sudan experience the issues of being bicultural that is why they may be compelled to adapt to the culture in the united states through complex and compression. They get assimilated in to the aspects of apparel, not traveling in organizations, not possessing hands in public areas and adopting the American slung. Regarding acculturation, the key aspects which have been affected consist of attending reunions, eating traditional food, dances and tracks. Furthermore, the Lost Boys of Sudan are more lined up to their tradition because that they exhibit responsibility towards their own families that are nonetheless in Africa, the males send their loved ones money, and they strive to deliver some of the members of the family in Africa.
Ansaris family seems to have embraced the individualistic tendencies of the American culture that is why they do not show a high level of responsibility towards their other family members whom could be still in Afghanistan. Even though Ansary expresses expect that Afghanistan will come back to his foot with the help of the international community, he would not put very much effort in to bringing the transform. The misplaced boys alternatively advocate to get awareness jerk change in their house country. They desire to go back to their very own country and become community leaders who are generally not the case with Ansary and his siblings who have seem to be content with their hails from America.
Therefore , the examples that Ansary delivers about himself and his siblings confirm that a single cannot adhere to two several cultures as well. The American culture and the Afghanistan lifestyle are far portion that is why a bicultural person feels the urge of stopping one culture and following the other. Furthermore, the problems that the shed boys of Sudan move through to get accustomed to the American culture displays that it is not practical for person to balance two cultures in the or her life. Their very own desire to return to Africa concurs with that they are even more aligned with their native Dinka culture.
Works offered
Ansary, Tamim. West of Kabul, East of New York: An Blanket American History. Macmillan, 2003. The Misplaced Boys of Sudan