Grief and religion the five stages of essay

Grieving Process, Taoism, Acceptance, Suffering

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Grief and Religion

The Five Levels of Tremendous grief and Religion

In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Switzerland researcher, provided a list of five stages that individuals experience once dealing with fatality; and since in that case these principles have as been placed on loss and grief in general. The five stages with the Kubler-Ross version are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and ultimately Acceptance; it will be asserted that these stages are skilled in one form or another by all humans regardless of ethnic background. (“Five Stages of Grief”) Quite simply, the five stages of loss and grief will be emotional reactions that are universally experienced by all individuals. (Kubler-Ross, 2006, p. 199) Different beliefs have usually created their particular means of dealing with loss and grief especially from a death, and while they may approach the subject coming from different points-of-view, they all must deal with the five levels that people experience when grieving.

In the Judeo-Christian religious custom, grief and loss are things which can be widely talked about in the Holy book. For instance, you have the story of Job, a strongly religious man who’s faith is definitely tested with a number of deficits; including the lack of his family fortune, and health. Nevertheless , while Work experiences the five phases of suffering, the acceptance that he must come to is not the approval of loss but the popularity that his life is in the hands of God and this everything happens according to God’s strategy. When Work is first cursed, he goes in a state of denial, but it is the denial that he has sinned and is getting punished. As he is not just a sinner, this individual cannot understand why he has suffered such reduction, and while his wife and friends inspire him to curse Our god for his suffering, this individual denies that his suffering has everything to do with God. But since time passes by and his battling increases, Task enters the Anger level by cursing the day he was born, although even so, this individual still will not direct his anger by God. Rather, Job can be “weary of life; [and] will keep my problem upon personally. ” (Job, 10: 1) He may always be angry at his situation, but he could be not irritated with God, the actual source of his struggling.

The Bargaining stage is definitely something that Task considers doing, but this will require him to come face-to-face with God and plead his case that he is undeserving of the pain and suffering that he has skilled. In his concern of bargaining with God, Job is additionally getting nearer to the acceptance that his loss and grief are definitely caused by The almighty. However , during chapter 24, Job comes into the next stage of grief: Depression, and gives a speech in which he admits that evil frequently prospers with the expense of good, and The almighty does not constantly seem to incentive the good. It can be in his major depression that Task is arriving close to acknowledging that The lord’s will is mysterious, and that the loss and grief he has been required to experience might be part of several larger prepare by God. Therefore , his life, and also his loss and sadness, have been caused upon him by Goodness, but as part of an overall greater scheme which involves God’s knowledge and grace. Finally, after God confronts Job and points out it to him he finally allows that God has certainly inflicted his pain and suffering, nevertheless that pain and struggling are often the tools used by The almighty to perform a greater good; such as teaching lessons. The Book of Job is a lesson

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