Losing creativity growing up essay

The story of Holden Caulfield is a good example of the experience of developing up. That

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illustrates the large amount of pressure placed on teenagers. It also shows that a lot of

teenagers will manage the pressure, while others are not able to. Although Heurter in the Rye takes

put in place the nineteen forties, Holdens a lot more extremely just like that of young adults in the nineties.

Even though the ethical and interpersonal structure these days varies greatly as a result of the 1940s

a similar history could quickly occur. Holdens problems reflect the dilemmas of every

teenager today.

One of Holdens largest challenges is his anxiety about his foreseeable future. He is a vintage

example of an underachiever, and has been started out of numerous high universities for failing

grades. This is not because of a lack of intelligent, although is because this individual does not work or perhaps

apply himself. His father and mother and his educator, Mr. Gradzino, push him to change his ways and

be responsible, to no avail. This kind of pressure plays a role in his inescapable nervous break down.

He handles his own apprehension by simply convincing him self that this individual does not care. This kind of also

plays a part in his faltering grades, creating more stress. This problem afflicts every single

young adult today. Standards are even more than in the 1940s and jobs are progressively

harder to find. Also contributing to this is the pricey college. Most of todays learners

have to work their own way through college.

An additional of Holdens problems can be his relations with the opposing sex. During

the publication, Holden attempts to force him self to phone Jean “”, an old good friend of his. He

recognized her as a child and decided to contact her after his roommate, Stradlater, dated her.

Although he really wants to contact her, this individual cannot work up enough bravery to do it.

Nevertheless , he truly does call a classic girlfriend, Sally. They go on the date, but Sally hard storms off following

an argument. As well, a major source of anxiety sexual intercourse. He convinced himself that he have not

had love-making yet as they has not acquired the chance, yet deep down he is aware of he is certainly not ready.

While society imposes shame about sex just before marriage, his peers notice it as a couple of

pride to acquire had sexual intercourse, and a matter of shame to not have gotten sex. Holden is torn between

what he has been taught, and what his peers expect of him. At a single point in the novel, he

thinks he could be ready and orders the services of a prostitute. However , if the prostitute

gets to his hotel room, he knows he does not want to have sexual intercourse yet. This individual sends her away

partly because she actually is as fresh as he is definitely, and partially because he chickens out. This challenge is

inevitable for teenagers today. Most teens are not adult enough to resist the peer

pressure to have love-making and are also certainly not mature enough to handle the outcomes.

Furthermore, young adults are irresponsible which results in teenage pregnancy turning into

almost popular in some communities.

Holdens main problem can be his move from childhood to adulthood. He is speedily

becoming an adult, although does not desire to leave his childhood behind. He’s constantly

talking about his sibling, Phoebe, throughout the novel. The girl with a point of happiness for him

to represent his best image of childhood. He is evidently in a change stage. Intended for

instance, this individual goes to bars and drinks like an adult, obviously mimicing what this individual percieves to

be mature behavior. However , when he awakes in the middle of the night to find Mr.

Antiloni patting his head. Holden panics and runs out of the apartment, let’s assume that Mr.

Antiloni is a gay. His response is immature and unwanted. Every young adult today can be

torn between their child years and becoming an adult, that is certainly what being a teenager can be. Every

child wants to expand up as quickly as possible, but is not ready and want to take

the responsibility which goes with growing up.

In summary, Holden is a typical, every day teenager whether the point of view is usually

of the nineteen forties, or the 1990s. A teens place in our planet has not changed substantially

over the years. Furthermore, there is no signal that a comparable story cannot happen to

a teen today. In fact , it does every single day.

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