The problems of lack of employment among malaysia

Recently, Malaysian people have been trained facing within the issue of high unemployment costs among the local graduates. This matter has been a happening to the current information as it have been aired within the television, newspaper, internet and more agency. There are lots of problems from the unemployment among Malaysia teachers such as lack of skill activities, Malaysia participants demand too much on earnings and employer does not trust in fresh graduates.

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Firstly, the primary problem potential of the unemployment among Malaysia graduates is definitely the lack of skills and experiences.

Nowadays a whole lot of theoretical subject have been completely taught with out implementing the practical sides and without abilities you have nothing to apply to solve problem efficiently. Then, they can be lacking of English command skill and poor conversation skills which make them hard to get a good work. Next, the courses they are took has not been suitable and relevant to the industry. Hence, it is very hard for them to obtain appropriate job in the market.

Second of all, another difficulty of unemployment is Malaysia graduates require too much upon salary at the unreasonable. They need the wage more than what they are deserve. Besides that, they desire a job position must around from their home because easy for them to go from their property to the place of work. Thus, employer are expecting teachers who with experiences by different areas.

Lastly, employer does not believe in clean graduate’s capability. Fresh graduates have no activities. The employer today requires participants to have some work activities in order to requirement of qualified. Next, employer expectation of new graduates is additionally one of the elements that lead to the unemployment of graduates. Therefore, graduates have got low self-confidence or low soft esteem especially in meeting.

In conclusion, refreshing graduates by universities or colleges need to prepare themselves in term of mental and physical before getting yourself into the working

world. As a result, all of expertise and encounters, demanding about salary and employer would not believe in fresh graduates are the causes of unemployment among Malaysian graduates.

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